lunes, 30 de enero de 2012


With a kiss I die

1.       Romeo was away from Verona. Who arrived?
2.       What did he tell him about Juliet?
3.       Romeo came back to Verona. What did he do as soon arrived?
4.       Paris was at the tomb of the Capulets. What did he think when he saw Romeo?
5.       What happened between Paris and Romeo?
6.       Once Romeo had seen Juliet, what did he do, thinking she was dead?
7.       Then Juliet woke up. What did she do?
8.       What did the Prince tell both families when he saw their children were dead?
9.       How many people died? Write their names and explain how the died.

Part three. Opinion on the book

1.       What do you think that the Prince wanted to mean with these words?
2.       Meanwhile, Juliet was waiting for her husband. How did she feel when the nurse told her the bad and sad news?
3.       And Romeo? Where did he go? Who did he talk to? What did he advise him?
4.       That night Romeo and Juliet spent the night together. Downstairs, her parents decided her life from then on. What did they decide?
5.       In the morning, Romeo left. What was she wondering? Why was she worried?

My lady is dead

1.       When Juliet’s mother told her that she had to get married to Paris, she didn’t accept. What did her father tell her?
2.       She went to Friar Lawrence looking for advice. What did he tell her to do?
3.       The next morning, it was Thursday. What did the nurse see as soon as she came into Juliet’s room?
4.       What happened to the wedding?
5.       What did Friar Lawrence do to tell Romeo all the news?
6.       Did Friar John reach this city? Why?

View of London by J.C. Visscher, from Londium Florentiss (i) ma Britanniae Urbs, 1616.
The Guildhall Library, Corporation of London.
London in 1616 by Claes Van Visscher.
The Giuldhall Library, Corporation of London.

Describing Tudor London

After reading the website below, fill in the gaps in the following text about Tudor London.
Tudor London can be described as a ______________ a city during the Tudor dynasty. In fact, the population increased from ___________ inhabitants with Henry VII to _____________ at the end of the 16th century.
The Tudor monarchs had a royal residence in London called __________ and another in the countryside, called ___________, after ____________ gave it to Henry VIII. These Tudor kings and queens used what are now famous parks, such as __________ or __________, as Royal hunting forests.